Friday, October 31, 2008

Testing, Testing!

We're still here, but progress is being made! We will probably be able to leave around the 15th. We're not taking too much stuff, just lots of blankets and the dogs. We have been slowly getting our car fleet down to three 4WD vehicles which somehow makes me laugh since I am NOT a 4WD type of gal! The other day I was about to toss the LL Bean catalog in the recycle, but suddenly became QUITE interested in the advertised outerwear, especially the garments rated at 35 below! I notice that the long underwear was not made out of cotton "death cloth" as my friend Nancy refers to it, but of wool and silk. I think I will buy some online afterall! Will keep you posted! The rainy Davis weather is getting me in the mood for this move!


Stacey said...

Hurray! I can't wait to follow your adventures. By the way, here's an online site that sells name brand outdoor gear for less
Maybe all this thinking about the cold will be worse than the reality!!!

Pmal said...

Gail. This is a great! But why is Chewy the poster boy? Remember the line in The Graduate... 'plastics'?.. Just remeber, the Bloxham version is...'WOOL'. I have a LL Bean -25 degree coat that wouldn't keep you warm in AZ...

Toni said...

I LOVE "blogcabin"! And I think you get to use it even if you do move into a heated place with indoor plumbing... this trip makes you an official pioneer with or without a few creature comforts!