Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Mission Accomplished!

Steve fixed the Trooper! It took a few days and some down-home swearing, but he got the leak fixed and so far all systems are a go. We tentatively have been taking the Trooper out in bigger and bigger concentric circles each day, but always leaving the Subaru near the Chelsea interstate exit in case we broke down in the Trooper and one of us had to hitchhike back to Chelsea and grab the Subaru. We ventured out to Lansing to look at Michigan State last Saturday and were confident enough to look at each other and go, "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" So the next morning we took it as a sign from God when our electricity was out, and we did the unthinkable! We drove 9 hours IN THE TROOPER to IOWA to pick up Steve's abandoned tow dolly! You have never seen such passion as when Steve connected his long-lost tow dolly to the Trooper hitch! We were a family again! The trip was nice because the weather was clear and we drove back through Chicago and had a really nice dinner where Maggie and Robert met some college girls at the next table who went to University of Wisconsin and University of Indiana and were in Maggie's same sorority. The roads are so horrible though in these states! They've got the excuse about the weather creating havoc but the potholes are huge and frequent and dangerous! It's like, "fix your freakin roads already!" I don't understand how the citizens of these states back here put up with the roads! It's shameful!

It was 60 in Lansing!

Robert wields his ax like a real mountain man on the massive trunk blocking our road!

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